1. Registration
- Enter your email address or name
- Enter your password
- Po obdržení emailu o Vaší registraci potvrďte přes odkaz v doručeném mailu
- After receiving the email about your registration, confirm via the link in the delivered email
- Mark the course to buy
- Choose a payment method
- Pay the amount for the course
- If you do not have the possibility to pay by credit card, it is possible to pay by bank transfer. The invoice will be issued by ESMINT for an administrative fee of €20. Send your request via askaret@post.cz, including billing information.
2. What will happen after paying the course fee?
- You will receive a confirmation of payment to your email address
- If another entity pays the course fee on your behalf, still include your name and email address in the registration. A confirmation of payment with other billing data will be sent to you upon request to askaret@post.cz
- On the website www.askaret.cz you will find a link to download study materials (usually a week before the start of the course).
3. How to join the course?
- The only way to connect to the online EXMINT course is through the website www.askaret.cz
- Use your user name and password to access. Then you can select a Online Stream or Archive in the menu
- It is not yet possible to find an online stream on the website. This option will be on the website on Monday, before the course starts. You will be able to watch the recording from Monday evening. The option to watch recordings ends on the day of the diploma exam the following calendar year (usually the beginning of May).
- All times listed in the website, program and instructions are in the CET time zone.
- The technical requirements for transmission: PC or laptop with webcam, quality internet connection – speed min 2,5 Mbit upload / 2,5 Mbit download
4. How is the course organised?
- Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to communicate with the lecturers via chat.
- On-line attendance at lectures is not mandatory for successful completion of the course
- During the course you will pass two types of tests – daily tests and a final exam. The daily tests will be at the end of the program on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Participation on daily tests is not mandatory.
- To successfully complete the course, it is mandatory to take the final test on Friday at 10:00 am CET. Technical preparation for the test starts on Friday at 9:40 am CET
- To participate in the diploma exam, the average of both final tests must be above 60%